Register for Members Only Area
The Members Only Area will use the email address to communicate with you. Please make sure you have added this address to your contacts or address book of your email system. It might be a good idea to check your Spam (Junk) folder after joining the Members Only Area to be on the safe side.
To join the Ratsupport Members Only Area you must register.
When you fill out this form and put a check in the I'm not a robot box and click the register button, you will be sent an email telling you "Thank You for joining".
If you don't get that auto generated "Thank You Email" in 10 min then please see the above about putting in your contacts list. Also check your spam to see if the email is there.
The Do you want Membership Email drop down will allow you to select "Yes" or "No", Selecting "No" will keep most emails from being sent to you execpt for Registration and Forgot Password. Member Messages will not be sent to you.
The Ratsupport Administrator will get an email and aprove your request to join and you will be sent another email with your username and password.
Once this process is done you may login to the Members Only Area, and I suggest you go to the Members Page and see your information. Please go to the Edit Profile page and fill out the form. Put as much information as you feel is necessary. The more the better your experience will be.
We prepared a presentation that might help with the actual filling out of the form and the reCaptcha that is required to keep the Robots at Bay. Register Presentaton.